Budgie bird sleeping sitting on a branch

Can Birds Sleep With Fan & TV Noise?(Budgies,Parrots,Cockatiels)

Birds won’t get disturbed by TV noise at night as long as it plays in a different room or at some distance and is kept on low volume. If your fan is not making enormous infrequent loud noises it won’t likely be a problem as the birds will get habituated to the fan noise.

Let’s take a deeper look at this topic…

Can birds sleep with the noise?

Birds can sleep in presence of sound coming from a distance. Most birds including budgies, cockatiels, parrots, etc can sleep in presence of noise however any kind of sound will prevent them from having sound sleep.

Birds have got the ability to sleep with 50% of their brain in an active state and the other 50% in an inactive state.

This kind of sleeping practice is termed unihemispheric sleep. Birds typically undergo Uni hemispheric sleep when they feel like they are in an environment where they don’t feel completely safe.

Under such sleeping practices, birds undergo sleeping with one of their eyes open. Out in the wild such sleeping habits is essential for their survival but such sleep patterns prevent them from having a good night of sleep.

So once in a while, such sleeping habits are not detrimental to their health but undergoing such sleeping patterns on a regular basis can end up affecting their mood as well as their health.

So in short birds can end up sleeping under low levels of noise in the surroundings but such conditions will prevent them from enjoying sound sleep.

Can Birds sleep with the TV on?

Birds can sleep with the TV on, provided the TV is not directly within the same space where they are residing and you have the volume on the lower end. If you have the TV right beside their cage, the infrequent TV noise and light will prevent them from having deep sleep.

Birds can wake up even from the slightest of noises at night.

  • For their complete rest and wellbeing, birds need 10 to 12 hours of sound sleep in absolute darkness and silence.
  • The constant tv noise coupled with the tv light will disrupt their sleep and prevent them from going into a deeper sleep state.

In case you keep the tv noise levels very low, at one point in time they can get habituated to the low sound and may even learn to ignore it. This is kind of like what happens in the case of humans. When we get exposed to a particular kind of sound for a long time our ears get habituated to it.

But by getting habituated they may end up sleeping but it won’t be by any means a sound sleep.

Also, the bright light coming off the tv will pose a separate problem for them.

Hence you should try to keep them in such locations of the house where post evening there is little to no activity. Try using cage covers as it will help in blocking the light and sound to some extent.

If you are watching the TV in the next room, close the door, pull the curtains so that the sound transmission to the zone where the bird is sleeping is very minimal.

Can Birds Sleep With fan Noise?

All kinds of birds (budgies, canaries, parrots, etc) can sleep with fan noise provided it doesn’t make absolutely scary earth-shattering infrequent noises. After a while they will get habituated with the noise and wont get affected by it.

If the noise level is on the lower side and the fan doesn’t make any sudden noises then the birds can sleep well without any trouble as they will get habituated to the noise.

But if the fan makes sudden and infrequent squeaky noises it can be a major problem as it will wake them up suddenly in their sleep. This can be problematic if night fright is common among your birds. So if that’s the case, you need to fix the fan noise problem.

Otherwise iof the fan is a bit far away from the bird cage and is not being really noisy then its fine. Under normal circumstances, they can sleep without any disturbance from the fan noise.


Sleep is an important factor both for us and our pet birds to function at the optimal level.

  • Birds are very adaptive in nature and as long as the loud noises are not occurring right in front of their cage, it will be fine.
  • Make sure to use cage covers and have the room dark to ensure that they have a comfortable sleeping arrangement.

The cage cover will help in reducing the light and sound exposure. You can have night lights in the room especially if your bird is prone to night frights.


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